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Reference number: 129352 | Miscellaneous | June 21, 2020

Is it allowed to accept simple gifts from an old man who comes to visit me in my workplace taking into consideration that he does not want me to do him any favor? He only brings me some sweets to express goodwill.


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

As long as this old man brings you some sweets to express his goodwill and appreciation, and he does not need any work to be done, nor does he seek for any interest, then what you get is not considered a bribe, and it is halal.

Nevertheless, if you do not want to let others have some doubts about what you do, it will be better if you politely reject the gift, or take some and reject the rest. In this way, you do not embarrass the man by rejecting his gift completely, and you do not seem guilty in front of others who do not know the right intention.  

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