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Reference number: 593106 | Miscellaneous | Sept. 28, 2020

What is the ruling on connecting power lines and water pipes illegally? I connect these lines and have the network in my house without paying money to the people who are in charge. I have convinced myself that since we are trapped in Gaza, and all these funds are allocated to the residents, why should I pay? In addition, I cannot stand staying at home without electricity which is needed to operate any cooling system, and I cannot afford to pay the bills. The fund sent to operate the project of filtering water which is extracted from land is also our right. We all should share it. Is what I am


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

Initially, it is not an argument so that you should be persuaded. It is a matter of what is lawful or unlawful. What is lawful can be followed. What is unlawful should be avoided. This is because the halal and the haram are determined by Allah, and we should obey Him.

Power and water services are not free. There are departments which are responsible for providing residents with them. It is unfair not to pay as long as there are others who pay. It is actually stealing as you take the rights of others who pay. In other words, they pay to get the services, but you use the same services without any payments.

Taking other people’s rights is, frankly, stealing unless there is necessity. The necessity in this case is when one, who is the only responsible for his family, is literally about to die, lose a body organ, or lose all or much of his property. It is stealing and you should quit it.

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