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Reference number: 627188 | Miscellaneous | June 13, 2020

Does watching porn movies lead to blessings’ removal?


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

The true Muslim is the one who completely obeys Allah and does what Allah asks them to do or avoids doing what Allah asks them to leave. Allah, for example, asks Muslims to lower their gaze. Allah says: “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and protect their private parts” An-Nur: 30.

Allah, the Almighty, ordains you to lower your gaze, and you should obey. You cannot disobey Him, and you are not allowed to watch porn videos. If an unintentional look is haram, and you are not allowed to look at strange women who are wearing their clothes, what about watching porn movies where women are naked?

What will the result that you may get if you keep watching such videos? You will fall in lust; you will not be able to observe your prayers as your sexual desire will accompany you. Satan will keep urging you do illegal deeds. The one who keeps watching these movies will be a slave for his lust, they will pay a high cost as they will lose everything. Some families were destroyed because this sin.

Do you expect Allah keep giving you or increasing the blessings while you disobey Him?

You should thank Allah for all the blessings that He granted you by Obeying Him.

Allah says: “And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: if you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah), I will give you more (of My Blessings), but if you are thankless (i.e. disbelievers), verily, My Punishment is indeed severe.” Ibrahim: 8

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