
Reference number: 722462 | Clothing and Accessories Legislations | June 12, 2019

Is a mother allowed to prevent her daughter from wearing certain clothes which are permitted in Islam? If the mother does prevent her daughter, is the daughter forced to obey her mother taking into account that the father does not support the mother? In other words, the father does not prevent his daughter from wearing those clothes.


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

Your question has two parts.

Firstly, it is related to the conditions of clothes in Islam.

Secondly, it is related to parents’ obedience.

Referring to the first part, the one who asks claims that the clothes which she wants to wear do not contradict with the clothes’ conditions in Islam. Thus, we will not talk about haram or halal. However, choosing clothes is not always related to halal or haram; sometimes it is related to customs and traditions. For example, a man’s ‘Awra is what is between his navel and knees, but is it acceptable if he goes out wearing clothes which cover his ‘Awra only?

Are all clothes acceptable in all occasions? In other words, can you wear clothes which are usually worn in wedding parties when you go to offer condolences? Can you go wearing casual clothes when you have an official meeting?

Related to the other part of the question, if such prevention results from the mother’s opinion or mood, you can observe politeness and try to convince her. If the mother is not convinced, you have two choices: either you compromise so as to get your mother’s satisfaction, or you wear the clothes in spite of her dissatisfaction. I recommend you take the first choice so as not to miss her satisfaction because of your desire of wearing certain clothes.

Finally, I advise parents not to be so strict and not to oppress their children as long as what their children do is not haram.

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