
Reference number: 754050 | Purity | March 28, 2023

What is ruling on performing the prayers and fasting on the days after my period if I keep bleeding. In other words, my period usually lasts for five days; these days, however, it lasts for eight days. What shall I do during these extra three days?


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

As long as your period is systematic, and it comes on time and lasts for a specific number of days, then, after the fifth day of your usual period, purify yourself as this bleeding is considered Istihada. Fast and perform the prayers.

 Aisha (RAA) narrated that Fatima bint Abi Hubaish asked the Prophet, "I got persistent bleeding (in between the periods) and do not become clean. Shall I give up prayers?" He replied, "No, this is from a blood vessel. Give up the prayers only for the days on which you usually get the menses and then take a bath and offer your prayers."

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