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Reference number: 900798 | Clothing and Accessories Legislations | June 29, 2022

I have interrelated questions. What is the ruling if a woman appears on TV channels to give a religious and medical lectures taking into account that she wears the niqab but shows off her eyes to be able to wear her glasses? What is the ruling if a woman shows her face as she sees that covering the face with niqab is not obligatory? What is the ruling if a woman fears to enter any competitions so as not to be involved in interviews? And what is the ruling if a woman wants to offer a lecture to a crowd of men and women provided that she prevents taking pictures? Is she


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

Your questions have many sections.

Firstly, covering the face with niqab is a controversial issue. Some scholars think it is obligatory. Others see it is a virtue. Each group has their own evidence. We tend to say that it is a virtue taking into account that the other group has their evidence.

Secondly, a woman can participate in scientific events or lectures as long as she is modest and wears her Islamic modest dress. She could be successful in presenting Islam and could be effective in persuading others to convert into Islam. It is worth mentioning that a woman in some fields can be more influencing in presenting Islam correctly immigrant women.

Related to recording the lecture or taking some pictures, as long as the presenter, who is a woman, is committed to Islamic dress, there is nothing wrong about recording or taking pictures. On the contrary, these things could be useful to broadcast the lecture.

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