
Reference number: 986917 | Fasting | June 17, 2020

I am a girl who was addicted to watching movies which contain some episodes that stir lust. It happened once that I kept watching such movies during the month of Ramadan. Should I make up the days of that Ramadan or not taking into account that I didn’t recognize whether I was impure or not, and I was ignorant of what is called janabah (post sexual intercourse state). May Allah reward you the good.


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

Initially, feeling that you are guilty and sinful is a good thing. However, what is considered to be janabah (post sexual intercourse state) doesn’t break the fast. If one wakes up finding themselves in an impure state, their fasting is valid. What invalidates and breaks the fast is actually the real sexual intercourse or masturbation while fasting. These don’t express the state of you which you are describing. Thus, all you need to do is to ask Allah for His forgiveness and be determined that you will not commit such a sin again. Apparently, you were ignorant thinking that such deeds break your fast. Actually, they do not; you don’t have to make your fast up. May Allah accept your repentance.

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