
Reference number: 995362 | Miscellaneous | March 24, 2020

Will the man stay in Hell and tortured according to their sins, or if the good deeds are more than the sins, they will not be tortured, and they will be in the Heaven?


Praise Be to Allah and Peace Be Upon His Messenger.

Originally, the relationship between the mankind and Allah should be like this: People should obey Allah, and Allah in return, will be Merciful. It happens that people make mistakes or commit sins as disobeying Him or ignoring some religious duties. The prophet said: “All the sons of Adam are sinners.” However, some people commit less sins than others as people are not similar in this. If one repents and regrets making mistakes, and if they give any rights that have been taken by force to their owners, then Allah will forgive them. However, committing major sins is a different issue. It is up to Allah, if He wants to forgive or torture.

Moreover, Allah has His Own ways of forgiving; it happens that some sins are cleansed in life through miseries and tests such as diseases and hard life.  Sometimes the death signs are hard, and so they are to cleanse some sins. Sometimes, forgiving sins result from the signs that one sees after being buried. Another way of cleansing sins is on the Day of Judgement. When people walk over the path on the Day of Judgement and find it hard, some of their sins are cleansed. If other sins remain, a man may be in Hell for some time and then released and enter the Heaven. All of these kinds of torture can be avoided once people obey Allah, regret and repent without waiting for the torture to happen. Allah says: “Oh My slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: verily, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Az-Zumar: 53

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